How demanding is global approach to indoor environmental quality assessment ?

The indoor environmental quality of a building is intended as the thermal, visual, acoustic and indoor air quality performances as a whole, which provide health and comfort for occupants. In architecture, global approach to environmental quality design is necessary. High levels of quality are needed for each aspect, even though design requirements may at times be opposed. In order to determine opportunities and limits of global approach, problems related to visual and acoustic comfort assessment were examined for a baroque church in Italy.

Study of the indoor air quality in offices building

The main objective of our study was to know more about indoor air quality in offices building over a long period. Our study has been carried out in one building located downtown Lyon (France). Measurements have been carried out one day each month during a one year period. Indoor air quality in the offices along with the one of air flows of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) installation (outdoor air, blown air and returned air) has been characterised by temperature and relative humidity of air, dust concentration level, air biocontamination and CO2 concentrations.

Development of a passive flux sampler (PFS)

The mitigation to reduce indoor pollutant concentration are increasing ventilation rate or to reduce the emission of the pollutant which is also common in VOCs. Households, furnitures, building materials and so are well known as the source of indoor VOCs. There are several devices to measure emission of VOCs, such as an emission chamber or FLEC, which are adopted in ISO 16000. However these 2 methods has each disadvantages e.g. the chamber is suitable only in a fixed condition such as a laboratory, or the necessity of a pump and humidifer.

Simulation tool for indoor air quality improvement in a covered swimming pool.

The use of hypochlorite for water disinfection is source of chloramines production, which are transferred to the atmosphere.Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is the main component, which is a major cause of respiratory and ocular problems for swimmers and lifeguards. This first part comprised a sampling campaign concerning the measurement of NCl3 in a swimming pool (Picardie-France) during 15 days (October 2001). This campaign concerned the air quality diagnostics and showed that the majority of detected levels were critical (P50 = 0,44 mg/m 3 ).

The Athens air traffic control tower - A case of a sick building

It is well understood that there are many sick professional buildings in use all over the world. Most of them are sited in or near the center of large cities where the ambient atmospheric conditions are not good. The sickness syndrome of those buildings combines both the indoor air quality and the local comfort regime. In many cases the responsibility for the formation of these syndromes lies with the not appropriate envelope design and the misuse of the building by the inhabitants.

Removal of dust with different cleaning methods in a library store

This study included the IAQ survey concentrated on particle levels in the library store (area of 1000 m 2 and having books or journals over 100 000 pieces in total) at the basement. The store was divided into three sections covered with plastic walls. Each section was cleaned with three different methods: two vacuum cleaners equipped either by HEPA filters I or II and one cleaner equipped with a water filtration unit. In addition, the surfaces of all sections were swept by wet cloth after twelve hours of vacuum cleaning.

Performance study on hybrid ventilation system with air supply from crawl space using a test house

Ventilation is one of the most important measures to dilute indoor air pollutants. In order to maintain a clean indoor air environment, not only the total ventilation rate of the building but also the distribution of outdoor air to each area must be taken into consideration. A performance evaluation of the combined system of air supply from the crawl space and hybrid exhaust ventilation with a small fan and damper has been investigated. This investigation was undertaken over a heating season using a full-scale test house.

New concept of balanced thermal dynamic system

Studies on buildings have shown that airtightness and insulation increased in family buildings and detached houses too, due to new thermal regulations. In the same time, studies concerning health and indoor air quality have shown that the need of fresh air will increase too.

Environmental quality assessment of classrooms

In this work a methodology for indoor environmental quality assessment was applied, based on thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort indices and on their analysis and spatial representation.Object of the study was one secondary school classroom of the Province of Torino (Italy), representative of several typologies of educational buildings, showing unsatisfactory environmental conditions.

Energy and indoor climate in Belgian offices : results of a survey

About 100 office buildings in the Flanders and Brussels regions have been subject to a surveyof energy aspects and indoor climate parameters. Building characteristics and energy use havebeen mapped for all buildings; for 48 of them a database has been built containing buildingand room dimensions, materials used for the building shell, windows, glazing, solar shading,occupancy, equipment characteristics (heating, ventilation, cooling, lighting, office equipment.
