Deposition of aerosol particles in ventilation ducts

In this work, experiments were carried out to estimate deposition rate of 5µm particles powder in large cylindrical straight ducts for different diameters. Two types of ducts were compared: rigid ducts and flexible ducts. Results are compared to theoretic

Control strategies for hybrid ventilation simulations

This paper describes the results of a collaboration study between ENTPE-LASH and LEPTAB within the framework of the IEA Annex 35 “Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Buildings”. The aim of the work is to carry out a cross-simulation study and identi

Technical procurement of demand controlled ventilation for dwellings based on performance specifications.

Swedish dwellings often have mechanical ventilation with an almost constant air flow independent of variations in loads. The performance of these ventilation systems is often not satisfying. The occupant habits have changed e.g. increased moisture load. Therefore a technical procurement for energy efficient demand controlled ventilation systems was initiated. First the building regulations were analysed, then the parameters relevant for indoor air quality in dwellings and the energy efficiency potential were determined.

Ventilation stratefies of a residential district on restoration : analysis of technical solutions and comparative evaluation.

Within an Italian Experimental Programme an interdisciplinary research for the retrofitting of some residential buildings in the surrounding of Florence has been carried out. The activity of the experimental research concerns the methodological and scientific support to the technical solutions for the restoration of two buildings.

Particle release of fine filters during different operational conditions of ventilation system.

The fine filter (EU7) was included in the ventilation system which operated at full capacity only during working days. The first three months the filter was located in the ventilation system of the office building and it was later moved for one month period into the laboratory chamber. The aim of the study was to investigate whether particles or microbes are released from the filter during the turn off and start up of the fan. The released particle (size range of 0.3 m) concentration was below 10 #/dm 3 in normal field conditions.

Effect of a needle heat exchanger on the release of microbes into supply air

The needle heat exchanger (acts as a pre filter EU3) was installed in front of the glass fiber used as a fine filter (EU7) in the supply air chamber. Thus, the temperature of the supply air increased and the relative humidity of the fine filter next to the heating unit decreased. The aim of this study was to examine how the installation of the needle heat exchanger effects on the microbial growth and release in the fine filter. The relative humidity of the fine filter in the supply air unit fell below 70 % during different seasons.

Experimental investigations of airflow regimes in air-conditioned operating theatres

In surgical operating theatres the concentration of contaminants to a minumum level is compulsory so an optimum design of air conditioning is required along with careful control of flow and temperature characteristics to achieve sterile conditions. This paper aims at analysing the performance of the HVAC system design in an egyptian modern hospital.

Environmental perception, SBS symptoms and the performance of office work under combined exposures to temperature, noise and air pollution

The thesis deals with human perception of the environment, sick building symptoims and the performance of office work in the indoor environment. Single and combined effects of temperature, heat stress, noise and air quality have been studied in three experiments.

Measurement of airborne biocontamination in residential and commercial buildings

This report presents the status of airborne biocontamination measurements in France in residential and commercial buildings.

European radon research and industry collaboration concerted action

European radon research and industry collaboration concerted action (ERRICCA2) is establishing a European scientific led industrial forum aimed at reducing risks to health from radiation (principally radon) in the built environment. It brings together 35 organisations from 20 countries.
