Personal computers pollute indoor air: effects on perceived air quality, SBS symptoms and productivity in offices

30 human subjects were exposed to simulated office conditions to study perceived air quality and sick building symptoms. The sensory pollution load of personal computers was found to be 3 olf each.

Two distinct causal paths from indoor air problems to sickness absenteism

In a building with two parts, one with bad indoor air quality, workers have been moved around from one to another and absenteeism rate and causes have been monitored.

Effectiveness of portable air cleaners and upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation for infection control

Three portable air cleaners alone or combined with ultra-violet germicidal irradiations were tested to determine their capacity to remove airborne bacteria. Results give values of airborne bacteria removal rates.

Indoor air quality in schools : the impact of ventilation conditions and indoor activities

Physico-chemical and microbiological measurements (temperature, humidity, CO2, CO, VOC, bacteria and fungi) were performed on indoor air of three schools near Paris (France). Results of measurements are given and analysed. Indoor air quality is better with mechanical ventilation than in operable windows classrooms. TVOC concentrations are much higher indoors than outdoors.

Air quality and ventilation rates in schools in Poland - requirements, reality and possible improvements

Indoor environmental measurements (temperature, CO2, formaldehyde, TVOC) were operated in 28 classrooms in Warsaw (Poland). The classrooms were equipped with natural ventilation systems. Air change rates were calculated from CO2 concentrations. Results are compared with Polish regulation and international requirements and standards. The natural ventilation systems applied in all schools do not ensure proper ventilation rate.

Energy and indoor environmental quality in relocatable classrooms

Four relocatable classrooms were designed, constructed and tested in Californian schools to demonstrate technologies that improve energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality. First results such as CO2 and particle concentrations are presented and discussed.

Practical application of energy conservation with ASHRAE Standard 62

Practical application on two buildings (a movie theater and an office building) of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure described in ASHRAE Standard 62 is demonstrated. It shows in particular how air filtration can achieve acceptable indoor air quality and energy savings (by reducing outdoor air flowrate requirements).

HEPA air filtration : an effective method of reducing household PM exposure

Indoor aerosol particulate matter (PM) concentrations were measured gravimetrically in 36 carpeted bedrooms of asthmatic children. Particulate concentration was higher indoors than outdoors. High efficiency particule arresting (HEPA) filtration was shown dividing concentrations by about 2.

Reducing particulate levels in houses

The filtration efficiency of residential furnaces air filters was measured in several houses in Canada. Even efficient filters have a minor influence on particulate levels in houses. The ways to reduce these levels were investigated. Results show for example how HEPA filters on supply air reduce indoor particle concentration.
