Improving indoor air quality in schools by utilizing displacement ventilation

The study conducted by the US Government Accounting Office in 1995 says that 25 % of the nation’s schools are plagued by IAQ problems, even higher percentage of schools having IAQ problems is reported by the Environmental Protection Agency (Johnston and D

Residences of the elderly: ventilation and indoor air physical properties

Ventilation and indoor air characteristics were measured in 63 apartments for elderly people in Finland and residents were inquired about indoor climate. Results are shown and analysed.

IAQ, energy, and cost implications of underfloor air distribution systems

Literature was reviewed about underfloor systems and engineers having experienced these systems on completed projects were interviewed. Underfloor air distribution systems improve thermal comfort , indoor air quality and user satisfaction.

Indoor air quality and energy efficiency in the design of building services systems for school classrooms

Efficient energy utilization and indoor air quality (IAQ) inside office premises and other public places have become issues of increasing concern in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Government of HKSAR has launched a territory wide consultation in 1999 on the proposed Indoor Air Quality Management Programme for offices and public places. This paper briefly introduces the proposed Indoor Air Quality Management Programme and its proposed target objectives.

Sick building syndrome symptoms and performance in a field laboratory study at different levels of temperature and humidity

Thirty female subjects were exposed for 280 minutes to four conditions in balanced order of presentation: to 20 C/40%, 23 C/50%, 26 C/60% RH at10 L/s/p outside air, and to 20 C/40% RH at 3.5 L/s/p. They performed simulated office work throughout each exposure and repeatedly marked a set of visual-analogue scales to indicate their perception of environmental conditions and of the intensity of SBS symptoms at the time. They were repeatedly reminded to adjust their clothing so as to remain in thermal comfort, and succeeded in doing so.

Sick building syndrome (SBS) in relation to energy conservation, and reconstruction in older multi-family houses in Stockholm, Sweden

Relationship between sick building symptoms and type of heating system were investigated through a questionnaire in 4815 dwellings from 231 multi-family buildings built before 1961. Results do not demonstrate that energy savings measures in general increase the risk of sick building syndrome, but major reconstruction of old dwellings may increase this risk.

Call-centre occupant response to new and used filters at two outdoor air supply rates

A 2x2 replicated field intervention experiment was conducted in a call-centre providing a public telephone directory service: Outdoor air supply rate was 8% or 80% of the total airflow of 430 L/s providing 3.5 h-1; and the supply air filters were either new or used (i.e., used in place for 6 months). Each of these 4 conditions was maintained for a full working week at a time. Room temperature and humidity averaged 24 C and 27% RH.

Relationship of SBS-symptoms and ventilation system type in office buildings

This paper provides a summary of current knowledge about the associations of ventilation types in office buildings with sick building syndrome symptoms. Most studies completed to date indicate that relative to natural ventilation, air conditioning, with or without humidification, was consistently associated with a statistically significant increase in the prevalence of one or more SBS symptoms, by approximately 30% to 200%.

Effect of ventilation rate on contaminant emission rates from diffusion-controlled materials

The contaminant emission rate is an important parameter describing the potential for materials to affect indoor air quality through the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Emission rates have traditionally been inferred from gas-phase concentration measurements obtained through chamber studies. However, models suggest that the rate at which VOCs are emitted by diffusion-controlled materials may be influenced by ventilation rates.

MARIA: an experimental tool at the service of indoor air quality in housing sector

CSTB has built an experimental house MARIA: Mechanised house for Advanced Research on Indoor Air. The house is dedicated to study pollutants transfers, test ventilation systems, settle field investigation methods, and validate computational models. MARIA will be instrumented and automated according to pre-established scenario of operation reproducing parameters related to human presence and behaviour. The human presence is simulated with heat load and water vapour and pollutants emission. The operation of equipments such as doors and windows, domestic devices, will be automated.
