A simplified model for human induced convective air flows - Model predictions compared to experimental data.

This paper proposes a simple mathematical model for calculation of the convective air flow rate induced by humans. That model has been then compared to a more complex one and to experimental data with satisfactory results.

Mitigation strategies for reducing childhood exposure to ETS in the home

In the light of difficulties associated with giving up smoking, which is the most effective strategy for household members to adopt to reduce children’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the home, an evaluation has been undertaken of other

Human preference for air movement

For that study, 40 subjects were exposed to controlled air movements ( slightly cool, neutral, slightly warm thermal sensations at 18 °C, 20°C, 23°C, 26°C and 28°C). Their responses were collected. Results indicate that air movement preference depends on

Numerical study of partition-type FCU personal air-conditioning system

The intention of the authors is to find a proper air conditionning system to achieve higher IAQ environment.They consider a new air-conditioning system that uses both a Partition-type Fan-Coil Units system (PFCUs) with a Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS).

Experimental and numerical study on simultaneous temperature and humidity distributions

This paper deals first with experimental measurement performed in a test chamber to investigate the characteristics of temperature and moisture distributions. The effect of moisture accumulation in building material is studied too. Then a new approach is introduced to describe the simultaneous heat and moisture transfer. The results has been compared with a CFD model.

Displacement ventilation for room air moisture control in hot and humid climate

Few studies dealing with the effect of displacement ventilation on humidity gradient in a hot and humid region have been made . In this paper it is done with a case-study approach (measurements were made in a factory located in the Tropics). The results indicate that the humidity gradient is as significant as the temperature gradient..

Vertical distribution of contaminant concentration in rooms with floor-supply displacement ventilation

The experiment was conducted by means of a scaled-room wtih floor supply ventilation system, it intended to know the vertical distribution of contaminant concentration emitted from a human body. The validity of the models has been proved in so far as the calculated concentrations were almost equal to the measured values.

Flow behaviour in a ventilated room - Measurements and simulations -

Disturbances from the surroundind environment and boundary conditions can influence very much the flow pattern , particles concentration and temperature distribution in a room.This report confirms the importance of working with measurements and simulations in parallel. Simulations of indoor air quality need to be validated . Guidelines on how to combine results are discussed in the paper.

Predicting volatile organic compounds concentration in residential buildings (Part 2 : application of model)

Using the model developed in part 1 of this paper, the influence of material kinds, ventilation and air-cleaning device on VOC concentration in room is studied. The conclusion is that ventilation rate plays a very important role on VOCs concentration, but it affects little on VOCs emission rate.

Modeling chemical reactions in the indoor environment by CFD

The study used CFD to examine reactions between ozone and terpenes in a room under 4 conditions. The study indicates that chemical reactions can significantly alter the concentration of air pollutants, an imperfect mixing may result in reactant and product concentrations significantly different from those predicted by the model that assumes fully mixed conditions.
