Simulation tool for indoor air quality improvement in a covered swimming pool

This study consisted first in a sampling campaign that has shown the important levels of NCL3 encountered in swimming pools. Then a simulation of the NCL3 dispersion was conducted wtih the following simulation tools : TRNSYS (thermal simulation) and FLUENT (CFD simulation).

Making the case for IAQ

The article summarizes the results of three recent Danish studies showing that the improvement of air quality in offices increases productivity by 5% or more. It also mentions a recent Danish study about the annual benefit of improved air quality, which was found as being at least ten times higher than the increase in costs.

Ventilating multiunit residential buildings

Ventilation strategies for multiunit residential buildings are described according to the results of a survey in 260 randomly selected buildings in Canada. Most buildings use corridor pressurization systems with an either central or apartment-based air exhaust. Some outdoor air is delivered to individual apartments, but in some cases, corridor air systems act as a ventilation system for individual apartments. Occupants complaints have been recorded, the main one being odor transfer between apartments.

New requirements of standard 62-2001

This article presents the new requirements of the ANSI/ASHRAE standard 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, including recent changes of the standard available at the Ashrae web site. It explains the status of the 31 addenda to the 1999 version of the standard, some of them being included in the 2001 version, others being still in discussion or in the process to be adopted.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) validation of the prediction of pesticide dispersion in a naturally-ventilated building

Full-scale laboratory measurements combined with numerical simulations were undertaken to evaluate CFD capability to predict the pesticide dispersion in a naturally ventilated building. CFD successfully reproduced the trends but overestimates the mixing inside the building.

Particle concentration calculations using CFD - a comparison -

CFD is a suitable tool to calculate concentration in particle contaminant distribution in a room. 3 approaches are described for two types of flow problems and compared in this paper.

Theoretical study of pollutant mixing in rooms induced by occupancy

This study presents a model to predict the time required by a pollutant to disperse in a room, due to the effects of room occupancy (a moving person enhances the mixing of pollutants).

Predicting volatile organic compounds concentration in residential buildings (Part 1 : building of model)

This paper presents a universal but simple mathematic model very useful to predict Volatile Organic Concentration in the bulk air for different conditions in residential buildings.

Use of predictive ventilation to evaluate the emission rates of pollutant sources in an enclosure and to reconstruct the associated concentration field

This paper presents a numerical method aiming at recreating the concentration field of a pollutant at each point of a ventilated enclosure that contains one or several pollutant sources of unknown emission rate.

Numerical analysis of normalized concentrations in the occupied zone for various office ventilation systems.

Flow, temperature field and contaminant concentration distributions are analyzed using CFD for 5 different ventilation systems.
