Ventilation and leakage measurements in industrial buildings.

It has been estimated that 15% of the energy used for building services in the United Kingdom is consumed in industrial buildings. A large proportion of this is thought to relate to infiltration and ventilation. There has been very little information produced concerning infiltration rates in industrial buildings because of the difficulty in making accurate measurements. During the past three years, British Gas has made ventilation and building leakage measurements in a number of industrial and other large buildings in the UK.

Measurements of infiltration and air movement in five large single-cell buildings.

A six channel, computer controlled, tracer gas detection system for the measurement of infiltration rates and air movement in large single-cell industrial buildings has been designed, constructed and calibrated. This has been used for over 50 sets of tracer decay measurements in five single-cell buildings ranging in size from 4000 to 31000 m³, The buildings included a sports hall, a vehicle maintenance depot, two factory workshops and an aircraft hanger. Infiltration rates and interzonal flows were derived from the tracer decay curves using methods based on multizone theory.
