The measurement of air infiltration rates in large enclosures.

Describes a project aimed at developing a method of measuring air infiltration rates in large single cell enclosures and buildings, and of using the method to collect data on actual infiltration rates. Makes a brief survey of existing and novel methods of measuring air infiltration rates. Identifies 2 methods which merit further consideration - the use of methane as a tracer gas,measuring its concentration with an infrared laser technique; and the use of ethanol vapour as a tracer gas, measuring its concentration with a fuel cell detector.

Ventilation of mill buildings - new directions.

Natural ventilation of mill buildings is a process which is complicated by several factors such as external wind pressure and local distribution of heat sources. Describes theoretical and small-scale physical modelling techniques for predicting ventilation rates. The theoretical approach using a computer for the numerical aspects allows rapid and reliable assessment of the ventilation rates for very complicated building designs under any appropriate wind conditions.

Industrial ventilation - a review and update.

Reviews technical progress being made in the industrial ventilation field by different investigators through out the world. Subjects reviewed and updated include natural ventilation, local exhaust ventilation, specialised ventilation techniques (dilution, air jets, air curtains, recirculation of filtered air, tracers for ventilation studies) and mine ventilation. Presents typical applications of the new technology to solving industrial ventilation problems, and identifies areas requiring further research and development.

Thermal performance of door systems - insulated doors may not be the answer.

Discusses 2 reports by the Agrement Board which indicate that insulated doors in busy industrial buildings such as warehouses do not save much energy. Further studies by the Bolton Gate co. show that the addition of a plastic strip curtain gives significant savings. When a door is open for 5 mins perhour, the mean saving can be 15% depending on outside temperature and the air leakage of the curtain. When the door is open for 15 mins per hour, the mean saving can be 29%. States that it is easier to use plastic strip curtains with horizontal folding shutters than with doors.

Industrial draughtproofing of doors and windows.

States that draughtproofing doors and windows in industrial and commercial buildings offers the quickest payback of any energy conservation measure. Describes potential sources of leaks, such as ill-fitting entrance doors, and the types of material needed in draughtproofing industrial buildings according to durability and application.

Energy consumption in industrial buildings during shut-down periods. Seisokkiajan energiankulutus teollisuushalleissa.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, a consulting firm performed an investigation of the possible energy savings in industrial halls outside working hours. The ventilation should be closed during shut-down periods, and air change through natural draught cut down to a minimum. The ventilation by leakage of an industrial building may be estimated at 0.1-0.5 air changes per hour, therefore the tightness of the constructions is imperative. The decrease of the temperature in industrial halls during non-working hours is imperative.

Problems in commercial and industrial ventilation.

Briefly reviews factors to be taken into account in considering natural ventilation in commercial and industrial buildings. These factors include the location of the building, surrounding buildings, activity within the building and results required of the installation. Notes some of the problems andpossible advantages of combining natural and fan powered systems.

Shut that door !

Notes that some of the main contributors to excessive ventilation in industrial buildings are external doors and loading bays. Discusses the choice of industrial doors to minimise energy loss. Discusses flexible doors, strip doors, loading bays, air curtains and door sealing.
