Brayshaw C.J. Dewsbury J.
Bibliographic info:
Energy conservation in buildings - heating, ventilation and insulation Proceedings Contractors Meetings Brussels 14-15 Dec 1981 6-7 May, 24,28 and 30 September, 21 October 1982 p.306-320 20 refs. 4 figs. #DATE 01:01:1982 inEnglish

Describes a project aimed at developing a method of measuring air infiltration rates in large single cell enclosures and buildings, and of using the method to collect data on actual infiltration rates. Makes a brief survey of existing and novel methods of measuring air infiltration rates. Identifies 2 methods which merit further consideration - the use of methane as a tracer gas,measuring its concentration with an infrared laser technique; and the use of ethanol vapour as a tracer gas, measuring its concentration with a fuel cell detector. Initial trials of the latter method are currently in progress.