Using miniature perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) sources and miniature passive samplers, tests conducted in the lab and in a typical home successfully demonstrate the utility of the PFT kit as a means for implementing wide-scale infiltration meas
Decribes the "collector chamber" method, where a room or whole building is pressurised and the air leaking through the target areas is collected with apressure compensated chamber to a measurement device.
Describes the Mobile Infiltration Test Unit (MITU) and its instrumentation, including some preliminary tests of the individual measurement systems. MITU has a completely automated data acquisition system that records air infiltration rates, surface pressures and weather as half hour averages. Theshell of the tracker is well sealed and the quantity ,type and distribution of leakage area is controlled using removable leakage panels in 16 window openings.
Outlines a method for measuring air infiltration using the tracer gas decay technique. SF6 is introduced into a building, and once it is well mixed, container samples of air (in this case plastic bottles) taken over a period of time are analy
Reports on the metabolic CO2 method for ventilation measurement which has been extended from mechanically ventilated rooms to naturally ventilated ones. The analysis, which under some circumstances is also relevant to tracer gas decay measurements, allows assessments of the individual incoming flows of air.
Reviews current methods of ventilation measurement in occupied buildings including tracer methods, pressurisation, and thermography. Gives criteria for good ventilation rate measurement techniques. Also explores new methods of measuring ventilation rates in occupied buildings. These include:< 1. Use of non-toxic tracers, including negative ions, CO2 and odour levels< 2. AC pressurisation< 3. The quantification of thermography< 4. Small-scale detection of local air velocities using hot-wire anemometry.
Lists three factors causing a high radon and radon daughter concentration in Swedish dwellings:< 1. By energy-saving measures the ventilation rate has become low.< 2. 10% of existing houses are built of light-weight concrete with a high proportion of radium.< 3. Large regions have high radium content in the ground.< Describes a method for detecting high radon daughter levels by measuring gamma radiation from the outside.
Describes the methods and considerations employed in the development of a detailed monitoring and evaluation programme for passive solar residences. Data analysis is performed by determining the hourly heat transfer of all critical energy transfer components, using an on-site microprocessor based data acquisition system. Discusses air infiltration as one of the components, and describes measurement methods, including pressurisation and tracer gas techniques.
Reports on tracer gas to ascertain feasibility of use of isotope techniques and how quickly fresh air is distributed in a room under set conditions. Describes the use of 85 Kr isotope.