The use of passive solar gains for the pre-heating of ventilation air in houses.

The introduction describes the principle of SVP (Solar Ventilation Pre-heating) and then reviews a number of current related topics. Heat recovery is considered. Work on other devices which produce solar heated air is reviewed. The main driving forces of natural ventilation are wind pressure and thermal buoyancy. One of the problems is that the magnitude of these forces is very variable. The basis of SVP demands a thorough knowledge of airflow through buildings.

A contribution to the calculation of natural ventilation of industrial buildings. Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung der freien Luftung von Industriegebauden.

Describes the network procedure for calculating the most energy-conserving and economical form of natural ventilation of a building. Provides application examples in the form of the determination of mass air flows through doors and windows and cracks in industrial work sheds. Provides the results of a calculation of crack ventilation in winter with mechanical ventilation with positive pressure, plus optimisation of air flow through a cooling bed for hot rolled steel sections.

An integrated computational procedure to predict natural ventilation in buildings.

A computational procedure to predict expected rates of natural ventilation for buildings at the design stage is investigated. This procedure integrates three computational methods, namely one to predict temperature induced pressures, another to compute wind generated pressure distributions around buildings, and the third to analyse the networks of resulting air flows in buildings. Experiments show that these methods are valid. The three methods can be used not only for the prediction of natural ventilation, but also for many other environmental engineering applications, e.g.

Natural ventilation of the paintings room in Altamira cave.

Discusses the natural ventilation of the Paintings Room of Altamira Cave, in Spain. The radon-222 concentration was measured by scintillation cells of capacity 500 cm3. From the mean monthly Radon-222 concentration the natural ventilation was calculated using Wilkening's method. Compares the variations in ventilation rate (monthly) with the temperature differences between the Paintings Room and the Hall Chamber. Natural ventilation is the major factor affecting changes in the carbon dioxide concentration.

Infiltration measurements in naturally ventilated, multicelled buildings.

Large, multicelled and naturally ventilated buildings pose many problems for the measurement of overall infiltration rates using tracer gases. In this paper, a simple technique proposed earlier is explored further by reference toa computer model study as well as by field measurements in two in two naturally ventilated office buildings. Results show that using this technique, the overall infiltration rates of large, multicelled and naturally ventilated buildings can be obtained to a good approximation.

Air management. Gestion de l'air. Synthese des travaux des journees techniques 'ventilation et renouvellement d'air'.

Air management in residential or tertiary usage buildings constitutes one of the key points of energy control in buildings. The principle themes concerning air management are heating or air conditioning, and ventilation and air renewal, mechani

Exhaust air or exhaust gas shaft. Natural ventilation of dwellings under various conditions - a study of the parameters. Mit Abluft- oder Abgasschachten ausstatten. Naturliche Beluftung von Wohnungen unterschiedlicher Ausgestaltung - Parameterstudie.

A mathematical model was used to describe the natural ventilation of a modern residential building for various building construction and meteorological data. The calculations showed that exhaust air shafts have a very positive influence and that separate consideration of wind and stack effect on thenatural ventilation of buildings leads to a wrong interpretation. Both major influences must be considered together.

The ventilation of dwellings. Structural basics. Wohnungsluftung. Bauphysikalische Grundlagen.

Due to the fact that loss of heat due to transmission is on the decrease, the loss of heat due to ventilation is becoming more important. Heat recovery units must be put into use to decrease the heat loss due to ventilation. If mechanical ventilation systems are used to create a minimum air change rate, air-tight windows are necessary - but if no ventilation grilles are used they are out of place.

Natural ventilation of compact buildings in industrial-scale dairy farming. Freie Luftung von Kompaktbauten der industriemassigen Milchviehhaltung.

The dairy plants of type MVA 1930 are compact structures with a floor area of 92mx120m. Despite this size the dairy plants - with the exception of certain special areas - can be naturally ventilated over long periods of time. The pen climate parameters for a mechanically and a naturally ventilated plant of the above mentioned type are essentially similar. It seems, therefore, unfounded to restrict natural ventilation to buildings of a certain width. It is rather the formation of the envelope of the building which should be seen as the deciding criterion.
