A computational procedure to predict expected rates of natural ventilation for buildings at the design stage is investigated. This procedure integrates three computational methods, namely one to predict temperature induced pressures, another to compute wind generated pressure distributions around buildings, and the third to analyse the networks of resulting air flows in buildings. Experiments show that these methods are valid. The three methods can be used not only for the prediction of natural ventilation, but also for many other environmental engineering applications, e.g. the prediction of heatloads in buildings and of environments around buildings, as well as for the design of mechanical ventilation systems.
An integrated computational procedure to predict natural ventilation in buildings.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the use of computers for environmental engineering related to buildings, Bath, 7-9 July 1986, CIBSE 1986, p247-254, 6 figs, 8 refs.