Measurements of Hybrid Ventilation Performance in an Office Building

This paper focuses on hybrid ventilation performance in an office building. It presents measurement results from the new headquarters of the company Bang & Olufsen, which served as one of the case study buildings in IEA ECBCS Annex 35. Ventilation and control strategy, as well as operational experience of the hybrid ventilation system is presented. Measurement results include long-term values of temperatures, CO2 and energy use for assisting fans and heating of ventilation air as well as electricity use for appliances.

The "clean building philosophy".

Tracer Gas Measurements for Ventilation, Air Movement and Air Infiltration in a Four-Sided Atrium Office Building

The research described in this paper is part of a project aimed at improving energy costs and the indoor environment of atrium buildings. Tracer gas techniques were used to assess the ventilation performance in terms of air distribution and contaminant migration patterns and to measure the air infiltration rate of a three-storey atrium. This atrium serves as an entrance to a large office-laboratory complex.
