Maintaining acceptable air quality in office buildings through ventilation.

Poor air quality in office buildings can result in loss of productivity, absenteeism and, in some cases, medical problems. The purpose of this Update is to provide guidelines for property managers and engineers for controlling indoor air quality using building ventilation systems.

The facilities manager's energy primer.


Building pressure.

Uncontrolled air infiltration in buildings is compromising energy efficiency and wrecking attempts to reduce CO2 emissions. The time is right to act. This month, Building Services Journal announces a joint initiative involving the CIBSE, BRE and the BSRIA, aimed at improving building airtightness. In an exclusive report, ClBSE president Geoffrey Brundrett launches the airtightness campaign. 

Energy-efficient and environmentally responsible office building.

As Canada's first C-2000 office building, Green on the Grand was designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally responsible. Computer simulations and detailed calculations compared the energy consumption of Green on the Grand with that of a similar office building built to contemporary energyefficiency standards (ASH RAE 90.1 ). 

Aspects of structure and thermal mass.

The belief that the addition of mass to a building will reduce its energy requirement is now widespread. Fiona Cousins and Bob long investigate how this principle, often observed in the coolness of cathedrals, castles and caves during summer, can be applied to modern buildings

New directions for C-2000.

