Mass control.


Energy efficient lighting and ventilation in an office building.

A publicly-owned office building in Eskilstuna, Sweden, has been retrofitted with high-frequency with self-regulating controls for the lighting and ventilation systems. The building has a total floor area of 19,000 m2 and contains more than 3 00 offices, a conference room, lunch rooms, and a recreation hall. Before retrofitting the total annual electricity consumption was 1/300 MWh and the district(heat consumption was 950 MWh. The total annual energy consumption was reduced by 20% as a result of the new installlations.

The Weidmuller Building - performance and improved control.


Results from field testing of a presence controlled ventilation system in an occupied office building.

The use of IR detectors to steer the ventilation is in principle an attractive approach for optimising the ventilation according to the occupants needs. In order to evaluate the performances under real conditions, one of the BBRI office buildings in Limelette (some 31 offices with in total 51 persons and a variable occupation load) was equipped with a mechanical supply ventilation system in which each terminal is controlled by an IR detector.

Experimental and analytical evaluation of VAV air conditioning system in an office building.

The flow-pressure characteristics of the AHU/VAV air-conditioning system in an open-plan office building is assessed by site experiments under various conditions. The effects of VAV supply pressure setting, return fan pressure setting and damper operation on energy consumption, fresh air intake and ex-infiltration flow rate are evaluated analytically on the basis of the VA V/ A.HU system and component characteristics.

Dynamic simulation of central chilling system of a large office building.

Dynamic simulation of a seawater-cooled chilling system is performed by using the dynamic models of centrifugal chillers, heat exchangers, seawater and chilled water networks, cooling coil, actuator, sensor, variable-speed pump and DDC controller ofBEMS. The on-line control strategies for the central chilling system are tested and evaluated by using them to control the living chilling system under different AHU dynamic loads in four seasons.

The natural solution in refurbishment.

Natural ventilation has been claimed as suitable for 9 out of 10 offices not severely affected by noise or pollution, claims Andrew Martin.

The big friendly giant.

The new headquarters of the Commerzbank in Frankfurt - the tallest office building in Europe - has proved one thing conclusively: it is possible to build a vast high rise in the middle of a busy city and use passive techniques to control its internal environment
