Design curves for the application of night cooling ventilation.

A thermal simulation model and suitable weather data were used to generate design curves for the application of night ventilation cooling to office buildings. The work was carried out under the programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 28 on 'Low Energy Cooling'. The generated curves show the potential reduction in internal peak day temperatures throughout the cooling season, the free cooling provided by night ventilation and the number of hours that a fan would run during the night for mechanical systems to achieve this free cooling.

Air conditioning and the evolution of modern office building design.

Air conditioning, as we know it, providing thermal comfort by mechanical means, first appeared in buildings about one hundred years ago. During that time it has had major influence on the evolution of the design buildings. This paper reviews the development of providing cool comfort in office buildings from the pre-active era of the middle of the 19th century through the rise of air conditioning in the mid 20th century to the current state of the art.

Field study of the impact of a desktop task/ambient conditioning system in office buildings.

A field study was carried out to assess the impact of installing a desktop task/ambient conditioning (TAC) system at 42 selected workstations within three San Francisco office buildings occupied by a large financial institution. In this study, field measurements, including subjective surveys and physical monitoring, were performed both before and after the TAC system installation to evaluate the impact of the TAC system on occupant satisfaction and thermal comfort, as well as the thermal environments within the office buildings.

Infrasound and sick building syndrome.
