Sixteen countries world wide have participated to this international programme (IEA ECBCS Annx 35) running from 1998 to 2002 about "Hybrid ventilation in new and retrofitted office buildings" . All results of the project are published in a booklet and a CD ROM. They have also be published onthe AIVC CD (see AIRBASE recording number 14923).
Thermal comfort for 227 occupants in 8 office buildings with displacement ventilation was investigated. The occupants' thermal sensation was close to the predictions by the PMV index. The main conclusion is that draught is the major local discomfort factor for the occupants, mainly at lower leg. The effect of vertical temperature gradients on occupants local discomfort did not appear as evident.
In an air-conditioned office building in Singapore, 3 different filtration systems have been evaluated under similar fresh air intake and ventilation rate conditions (electrostatic filtration, electrostatic filtration with chemical adsorption, and media filtration) . Chemical and microbial contamination levels under different filtration strategies have been monitored.
Provision of good IAQ in buildings located close to a busy road requires application of air filtration systems which are efficient for submicrometer and especially ultra fine particles, since traffic emissions are associated with particles in these size ranges. A study has been conducted in which a filtration system of an office building was designed according to measured outdoor air conditions and theoretically predicted indoor air conditions. The performance of the system was then validated by field measurements of particle concentration levels indoors and outdoors.
Authors assessed building-related risk factors for lower respiratory symptoms in office workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 1993 collected data during indoor environmental health investigations of workplaces. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess relationships between lower respiratory symptoms in office workers and risk factors plausibly related to microbiologic contamination.
A method based on both measurements and questionnaire has been developed to investigate comfort in office buildings. The measurements apparatus records temperature, humidity, noise, light, odours and occupant's perceived comfort. The questionnaire contains information about indoor climate and working environment. Results are given and analysed for 60 offices in France.
Measurements of indoor air quality indicators (temperature, humidity, dust, biocontaminants and CO2) were performed monthly during one year in a French office building. Air filters of the air handling unit of the building have also been characterised on site and in laboratory. Detailed results of these measurements are given and analysed.
The effects of an air conditioning system for office buildings were studied experimentally and computationally. A displacement ventilation system was used as the main air-conditioning system, and a partition with a built-in circular fan was used to deliver the air-conditioned clean air near the floor supplied by the main displacement system to the occupant in the office directly.
The new office building of the Ministry of Transport at Terneuzen in the Netherlands is a sustainable and energy efficient building with a good indoor environment. The building is constructed of sustainable materials, well insulated, utilises maximum daylight and is equipped with a minimum of building services. Passive and natural sources have been utilised as much as possible. An advanced natural ventilation system provides fresh air and controls the thermal comfort in summer.
The study is a review of 600 articles to determine if indoor environments does influence student performance at school. The study has been extended to other categories (laboratories, offices). No direct relationship has been statistically shown but results suggest a link between ventilation rate and performance, as well as for presence of carpets, pollens or low efficiency filtration.