The relationship between outside air ventilation rate and indoor VOC concentrations was studied through measurements in an office building (the call center of a health maintenance organization - 4600 m2 - 290 persons). Direct relationships between ventilation rate and concentrations were not found for most VOC's.
This paper describes the hybrid ventilation system of a new office building (650 employees) in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) equipped with a decentralized building automation and individual controls.
In a building with two parts, one with bad indoor air quality, workers have been moved around from one to another and absenteeism rate and causes have been monitored.
Practical application on two buildings (a movie theater and an office building) of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure described in ASHRAE Standard 62 is demonstrated. It shows in particular how air filtration can achieve acceptable indoor air quality and energy savings (by reducing outdoor air flowrate requirements).
The study investigates the relationship between ventilation rates and work performance on two specific tasks (talk and wrap-up) in a call-center. CO2 concentrations ranged from 13 to 611 ppm and the study used a multi-variable regression to modelize the association between the predictors and the responses. Influence of ventilation rates and temperature on task performance are commented.
The study has monitored two office buildings during 3 years changing position of dampers in order to control the air change in the buildings on periods of 3 months. CO2 levels, absenteism rate and rhinovirus in air samples are commented.
The study has compared experimental data and numerical simulation of air velocity for a room with jet diffusers to assess comfort conditions in the occupied zone. Comparison was mainly done in planes perpendicular and along the jet axis.Results allow to expand the use of the numerical approach during design to achieve high levels of environmental comfort.
Field measurements were carried out on six office buildings in Taïwan to evaluate ventilation efficiencies on the concentration of formaldehyde and TVOC, as well as the impact of ventilation rates on reducing these concentrations.
This paper gives formulas for optimal design of all-air systems regarding costs, allowing to calculate the optimum outdoor air rates in office buildings.
Outlines a study carried out in order to assess the impact of lighting energy savings on global energy consumption for office buildings. It is the result of combining both daylighting and thermal aspects in an integrated approach, and the present article concentrates on the simulation results. A modelling exercise was carried out for several facade configurations, for the four main orientations and three combinations of internal wall reflection coefficients. To perform the simulations, a daylighting simulation tool (ADELINE) was coupled with a dynamic thermal simulation software (TRNSYS).