Natural ventilation studies were carried out within the frame of PASCOOL EC Research Project. Research on this topic included experimental and modelling work aiming to fill the existing gaps in our knowledge of indoor air conditions in naturally ventilated buildings. Experiments were carried out in full scale and test cell facilities during the summer period. Single sided and cross ventilation as well as air flow through large internal openings were the basic topics that were studied. Existing models were validated and new ones were developed.
A naturally ventilated three level office building has been used to study basic stack ventilation configurations and the interaction between ventilation and the subsequent cooling of the building structure in summer. The research was performed in the framework of a European project on passive cooling of buildings and the objective was to validate simple ventilation algorithms and to give an experimental basis to design guidelines for night cooling techniques.
AIOLOS is a project partly financed by the European Commission, DG XVII for Energy, within the frame of the ALTENER programme. The purpose of the project is the creation and dissemination of educational material on the use of passive ve~ltilationc ooling systems and techniques as applied in buildings. All information will be coupled with the problems of passive solar heating, daylighting and visual comfort. The project is oriented to South European but also North European countries with moderate climate presenting cooling problems.