There has been a recent growth of interest in the use of passive cooling in buildings, particularly in the use of chilled ceilings, including both beams and radiant panels. However, there is still concern about the risk of condensation on cold surf aces and water dripping onto occupants or furnishings, especially where there is no control over the level of humidity for instance in naturally ventilated buildings. This paper reports on practical experience gained from the design, installation, commissioning and "running in" of four installations, completed in the early summer of 1995, in different buildings. The paper describes some of the problems encountered, during the "running-in" period and, how they were resolved.
Chilled beams in naturally ventilated buildings.
Bibliographic info:
UK, CIBSE, 1996, proceedings of CIBSE/ASHRAE Joint National Conference Part Two, held Harrogate, 29 September - 1 October 1996, Volume 1, pp333-338.