The thermal environment in vehicles varies greatly. The interaction of the cabin thermalenvironment, created by the HVAC system, the outdoor conditions as well as the occupants,is rather complex.In this regard, in order to improve occupants comfort, we thought of locally differentiatingthe parameters which influence peoples satisfaction.
The performance of a Personalized Ventilation (PV) system with regard to air qualityperceived by people was studied at three room temperature levels: 23, 26 and 29C. Thirtyhuman subjects participated in the experiment. The system supplied both isothermal (23, 26,29C) and non-isothermal (23C) outdoor air from an outlet attached to a moveable arm. Thesubjects were delegated with control of both airflow velocity and its direction. Physicalmeasurements performed with a breathing thermal manikin were used to explain the resultsfrom the human subject experiments.