A 2x3 series of experimental conditions under ambient room temperature of 26 °C, two Personalised ventilation (PV) supply air temperatures of 20, 23 °C, and three levels of PV air flow rates of 4.5, 7.3, 11.2 L/s/person were conducted using tropically acc
The thermal environment and air quality in buildings affects occupants’ health, comfort and performance. The heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) of buildings today is designed to provide a uniform room environment. However, large individual d
Individual differences in preferred air temperature may be as great as 10°C, and preferences for air movement may differ more than four times for the occupants. Personalized ventilation can improve occupants' comfort in so far as thermal discomfort is oft
Two air terminal devices (ATD) for personalized ventilation (PV) were developed: RoundMovable Panel (RMP) and Headset-Incorporated Supply (Headset). The performance of theATDs was tested at three combinations of room air temperature and supply personalized airtemperature: 23/23C, 23/20C and 26/20C, respectively, and at different flow rates ofpersonalized air, ranging from 5 to 15 l/s for RMP and from 0.18 to 0.5 l/s for Headset. Abreathing thermal manikin was used to evaluate the inhaled air quality achieved with thedeveloped ATDs as well as the performance in regard to thermal comfort.
The concept of personalized ventilation (PV) is at the cutting edge of technologicaldevelopments in the area of air-conditioning and is fundamentally based on improvingventilation to every individual in the built environment. A PV system provides occupants withcontrol so that they can adjust their individual thermal environment as well as achieve goodindoor air quality.
Whilst Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been popularly applied in indoor air andventilation research, most Personalized Ventilation (PV) research is based on experiments.This study is an attempt to seek validation of PV experimental data with results fromnumerical models of Air Terminal Device (ATD), since the ATD is crucial in the simulation ofPV system.The CFD study involves a systemic study and comparison of various simulation methods ofPV ATD, aimed to develop PV ATD models for future whole room PV system simulation.Boundary Conditions (BC) are obtained from an elaborate set of me
A Personalised Ventilation system provides occupants with means of adjusting their individualthermal environment and of achieving good indoor air quality. The individual control ofenvironmental variables makes it possible to compensate for the differences between people withregard to their requirements. In most tropical designs, the air-conditioning and mechanicalventilation system maintains the indoor spaces at cold temperatures in the vicinity of 21 C.
In this paper, the very recent laboratory research results on personalized air supply (PAS)from three universities are critically reviewed. Based upon these experimental results, thepotential improvements on inhaled air quality versus indoor air quality are analysed in termsof reduced air pollutant levels in the inhaled air. Depending on the configuration of the PAStested, up to 80% reduction of pollutant levels in the inhaled air can be achieved at the sametotal ventilation rate of the present mixed ventilation methods.
The impact of airflow interaction on inhaled air quality and transport of contaminants betweenoccupants was studied in regard to pollution from floor covering, human bioeffluents andexhaled air, with combinations of two personalized ventilation systems (PV) with mixing anddisplacement ventilation. In total, 80 l/s of clean air supplied at 20C was distributed betweenthe ventilation systems at different combinations of personalized airflow rate. Two breathingthermal manikins were used to simulate occupants in a full-scale test room.
Studies have documented that personalized ventilation, which provides clean air at each officeworkplace, is able to improve substantially the quality of air inhaled by occupants. However,the interaction between the airflow generated by personalized ventilation and the airflowpattern outside the workplaces has not been studied in detail. This paper presents a study onthe performance of a personalized ventilation system installed in a full-scale test room with anunderfloor air distribution system.