For the application of personalized (PV) in practice, it is important to recognize its performance under realistic conditions as they apply in rooms. In this paper results of both CFD simulations and laboratory measurements are reported regarding the local ventilation effectiveness with personalized ventilation. It was observed that the personalized air influences only a limited microenvironment at the workstation. Then a new model was proposed to evalate the indoor air quality in the entire space with varied distributions of occupants. Simulation results show that the effect of personalized ventilation depends significantly on the type of occupant activity patterns ; its application should therefore be restricted to certain types of space.
Air quality evaluation in the space with personalized ventilation and different occupant distributions

Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 6, 5 Fig., 7 Tab., 8 Ref.