Fine particles (4 -700 nm), odour and VOC emissions before and after the used supply airfilters were studied in a ventilation unit. The pre-filter (G3) did not collect fine particles at thetest conditions, but acted as a source of particles 50-300 nm in size. The F7 fine filter, locatedafter the pre-filter, collected quite effectively even the finest particles. Sensory evaluationshowed that intensity of odour was highest after the F7 fine filter.
Indoor air is complex with its pollutants constantly changing (in time, spatial distribution and proportions). Furthermore distinction between organic compounds and particles becomes ambiguous.So developing a valid Indoor Air Pollution Indice becomes difficult : a symptom has usually different causes, and a given pollutant brings different effects alone or in combinaison with other kinds of exposure.
Pollutants found in indoor air are often several times higher than outdoors. Indoor air pollutants cause effects ranging from odor, annoyance, and irritation to illness, cancer, and even death. Since people spend the majority of their time indoors, it is important to recognize and control indoor air pollution. Some indoor air pollutants also adversely affect materials in the building and the building structure itself. The majority of indoor pollution comes from the building itself, its contents, or its occupants and their activities.
This paper is a commentary on comments made by Drs Molhave and Wolkoff regarding indoor air pollution indices presented by the authors in 2003. They make it clear that IAPI attains the following aims : it is easily understood by all stakeholders, it associates well with symptoms, and provides a setting for management of the indoor environment.
Bu this index is a metric of in-office pollution and not a metric of a specific pollutant.
The authors agree with the arguments by Mendell for seeking a composite index relating indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and building related symptoms (BRS). The determination of the (IPSI) Indoor Pollutant Standard Index is a useful first-step for the practitioners. It provides scope for further refinement that could incorporate the relative impact of more than just one measured indoor pollutant.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a matter of public concern in Brazil. An IAQ survey wasconducted in an office building and in a commercial bank in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Indoorand outdoor air of offices was analysed due to the possibility of causing adverse effect on thehealth of the occupants. Measurements were made in a day during working hours. Sampleswere collected for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total volatile organic compounds(TVOCs), aldehydes, total particulate matter (TPM) and microbiological analysis.
The quality of our indoor environments affects well-being and productivity, and risks fordiverse diseases are increased by indoor air pollutants, surface contamination with toxinsand microbes, and contact among people at home, at work, in transportation, and in manyother public and private places. Offered here is an overview of nearly a century of researchdirected at understanding indoor environments and health, current research needs, andpolicy initiatives that need to be addressed in order to have the healthiest possible builtenvironments.
The aim of the study is to validate CFD approaches for the simulation of the dispersion of gases and vapors in an enclosed space at different flow rates, and to show the impact of one important determinant of simulation accuracy.CFD results and measurements were compared, showing a good correspondance for the pollutant concentration when the boundary condition was a profiled velocity inlet and not an uniform velocity inlet.
This paper is a presentation of a methodology for developing responses to sudden releases of toxic pollutants in buildings. This methodology may be applied even if few data on the building are available.The results are several tools that describe uncertainty in the predictions and a model to rank the parameters depending to their influence on the expected reduction in model prediction uncertainties.
Usually only primary emissions from building products are measured. That study takes into account potential secondary emissions due to oxidation with ozone. In the long run secondary emissions may influence the perceived air quality.The aim of that study was to investigate if the interaction between ozone and selected building products induces changes in emissions.