Residential combustion spillage monitoring.

Sixteen homes were continuously monitored to determine the frequency and duration of combustion product spillage from the furnaces and DHW systems. In the houses which did show spillage activity, event-controlled sampling was used to determine l eve l s of air contaminants attributable to the spillage. Additional testing of the sample houses included: airtightness testing, air change rat e testing and " forced spillage" contaminant testing .

Residential combustion venting failure - a systems approach. Project 7. Communications strategy.

A summary is presented of the results of various communications tasks undenaken within a project to investigate combustion venting failures in Canadian houses. These tasks involve:

(a) the finalization of key communications products including

Residential combustion venting failure - a systems approach. Project 5. Remedial measures for gas-fired appliances.

A research project was conducted to find and evaluate remedial measures for combustion venting problems with gas-fired appliances. It was hoped to find measures that held promise for near- to mid-term commercialization. The project was one three projects conducted by a mu/ti-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers to investigate combustion venting remedial measures for several types of combustion appliances. The research represents one sub-project in an overall project to investigate residential combustion venting failure.
