Pilot research on hygrothermal comfort and air quality in a low energy house.

Describes detailed experimental analysis of the low energy Plainevaux House with regard to:< 1. Air infiltration, measured by the decay rate of CO2 tracer gas< 2. Air tightness, measured by the fan pressurization technique< 3. The evolution of inside temperature in a period of no-heating< 4. The corresponding air contamination.

An investigation of the application of government-supported energy conservation measures. Subreport 2: Results from measurements in the field. Undersokning av hur statligt stodda energisparatgarder utforts.

Assesses the quality of retrofit work carried out in 329 Swedish houses, which had received government energy-saving funds. Describes the selection of dwellings, the measurement methods employed (including thermography, pressure testing, tracer gas and heat flow) and the results.< In most houses, insulation work in attics and on external walls had been carried out satisfactorily. However, the houses were still not air tight and exhibited high ventilation figures (for pressure tests 8 air exchanges per hour at 50 Pa and for tracer gas tests 0.6 air exchanges per hour).

Ventilation measurements in housing.

Measurements have been made of infiltration rates and air leakage characteristics of the building envelope in 38 dwellings all built within the last 20 years and covering a range of construction types. Conventional tracer gas techniques were used (employing nitrous oxide as the tracer) to determine air infiltration rates. Overall leakage characteristics were measured under pressurization using a fan. Some correlation was found between the overall leakage characteristic and the actual infiltration performance of a dwelling.

The Conservahome Project: Part 1. An overview of the project.

Reviews the overall aims and methods of the Conservahome Project, devised under the joint initiative of the Saskatchewan Office of Energy Conservation and the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation. The primary aims of the Project are to:< 1. Define the technical and economic problems of retrofit by conducting retrofit work on 6 houses< 2. Use the 6 houses as demonstration centres< 3.

Air tightness measurements of detached houses in the Saskatoon area.

The purpose of the study was to identify the air tightness levels of a group of 176 houses in Saskatoon, using a pressure test procedure. The houses were categorized according to age, air tightness levels, construction style and contractor. It was found that age was the most significant variable affecting airtightness.

Estimation of the relation between tightness and leakage ventilation in a building. Part 2. Rakenteiden ilmantiiviyden ja ilmanvaihtuvuuden valisen riippuvuuden arvioiminen.

Reports pressure tests of the air leakage of an apartment building. The building is three storeys with a cellar above ground. There is a mechanical exhaust system and in addition every apartment has a kitchen fan.Pressure tests were made in each apartment. Leakage points were located with smoke tests. The leakage of windows and doors was determined with the "plenum" method. Each window was surrounded by a "plenum" and leakage at the boundary between plenum and wall was eliminated by an auxiliary fan which maintains the same pressure in the room as in the "plenum".

Standard practice for measuring air leakage by the fan pressurization method.

This practice represents a standardized technique for measuring air leakage rates through a building envelope under controlled pressurization or evacuation, and is applicable to small temperature differentials and low-wind pressure conditions. It is primarily intended for use in one- story buildings.

Report on the air and water-tightness of wooden windows. Rapport sur l'etancheite a l'air et a l'eau des fenetres en bois.

Discusses standards and testing procedures for window air and water tightness. Describes apparatus used at the Technical Centre for Wood. Gives brief results of airtightness tests on 70 windows of different types subjected to a pressure of 10mm of water and of water tightness tests on 40 windows. Describes a test wall, designed to enable "hurricane" tests to be made. Appendices giveinformation on precipitation in France and discuss water-proofing products.

Methods of measuring ventilation rates and leakage of houses.

Describes methods used at ECRC for measuring the ventilation rate in houses. Two tracer gas methods are used, the decay method and the constant concentration method. Measurements have been made using both nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide as tracer gases. Also describes test of air leakage made by pressurizing the entire house. Gives for each method a detailed description of the measurement technique.

Energy savings: Measurements in an office building stage 1. Energisparingar: Matningar i kontorsbyggnad Etapp 1.

An energy saving survey was carried out in an office building in Stockholm during the autumn of 1978. The measures which were proposed are now being carried out. This report details the measurements made which include, airtightness testing of the building, pressure drops across facades, air flow measurements, temperature measurements in ventilation systems, temperature measurements in rooms, boiler combustion efficiencies, electricity consumption, oil consumption and thermographic inspection.
