Energy use in the housing stock.

Consumer guide to insulation.

Performance of Balanced Ventilation with Heat Recovery in Residential Buildings in a Cold Climate

This study simulated the performance of various mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems, incorporating heat recovery, in a typical Finnish residential apartment building. Dynamic thermal simulations were undertaken, representing a period of a year. These simulations incorporated the building details combined with information about the HVAC-systems, internal thermal loads and outdoor climate.

Numerical Study of Hybrid Ventilation of Apartments in a Densely- Populated Urban Neighbourhood

The demand for buildings with high quality indoor environments is growing, especially in developing countries, where more and more energy will be consumed in the near future. Air flow pattern, air temperature and humidity are among the main parameters that contribute to indoor thermal comfort. Care must be taken to design the most energy-efficient air distribution system that provides comfort for the occupants. To achieve this it is very helpful to know the air flow patterns and the temperature and humidity field in a building at the design stage.

The Effect of Sorption on Airborne Moisture Movement in Dwellings

A Moisture Admittance Model, which takes into account absorption and desorption, has been developed to simulate moisture behaviour in dwellings. The model has been integrated with the BREEZE computer model used to simulate air and contaminant flow. Simulations from the combined model have been compared with predictions using the Louden model and with measurements of vapour pressure taken in a test house. The Louden model tended to over-predict experimental values but there was reasonable agreement between the MAM-BREEZE model results and measured values.
