Innovative financing of home efficiency improvements.

Residential new construction and renovation programs, home energy rating systems programs and energy efficient mortgage instruments are some of the many ways that local energy utilities and other state or federal agencies attempt to increase the supply and demand of energy efficient housing.

Improving the energy efficiency of air distribution systems in new California homes.

Thermal distribution systems represent the most promising opportunities for cost-effective energy savings in residential new construction. This paper describes the results of an unusual but on-going collaboration between the building industry, the environmental community, the research community, and the regulators to develop cost-effective, implementable procedures for improved heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HV AC) duct system design, fabrication, and installation

Putting pressure on building codes.

House depressurization is a ubiquitous, dangerous problem. As regional mechanical codes move toward consolidation into one International Mechanical Code, now is the time to add a performance testing requirement for house depressurization.

Optimization of energy use for advanced solar houses.

Optimization of solar energy use for low-energy residential houses in Japan is proposed in order to design rational solar energy systems, it is important to recognize the structure of energy consumption of the residential houses as well as the climatic conditions of the region. Using statistical data obtained from an energy survey of residences in Japan, it has been found that the three major portions of purchased energy are space heating, domestic hot water heating, and household appliances (including lighting and cooking).

Natural ventilation rate in leaky houses.


A tool for evaluating domestic ventilation systems' ability to provide an acceptable indoor air quality.

This paper is describing the first results of the Annex 27 work aiming at developing simplified tools for evaluating domestic ventilation systems by using sophisticated simulation programs studying pollutant concentration either for each person or in an individual room. Assumptions based on previous research works are set up for a number of parameters. The total number of combinations are about 17500 and have been reduced to 174 by the statistical method "fractional factorial analysis". With this reduction it is possible to make all the runs even with sophisticated multicell models.

Energy efficiency in new housing.
