Marketing energy efficient options.


Testing and analysis of the comparative performance of cellulose vs fiberglass insulation.

This report summarizes the findings of comparative field tests and analysis sponsored by the Govenor's Office of Energy Conservation in Colorado on production housing models using both fiberglass and cellulose Insulation materials. The participating company was McStaln Enterprises, a mid-size (250 homes/year) production builder based In Boulder Colorado. Field test coordination and energy analysis were conducted by SOCTECH (State of Colorado Technical Energy Consultants for Homebuilders) .

Supply ventilation system design: outside air duct to return side of central fan.

A number of systems exist for ventilation of residential buildings. In general, they can be categorized as supply, exhaust, or balanced ventilation systems. Subcategories include integration into central air distribution ducts, or single- or multi-point air distribution. This effort focused on establishing a design methodology for centrally integrated supply ventilation systems using an outside air duct to the return side of a central air distribution fan.

Radon and natural ventilation in newer Danish single family houses.

To investigate the effect of ventilation on indoor radon (222Rn), simultaneous measurements of radon concentrations and air change rates were made in 117 Danish naturally ventilated slab-on-grade houses built during the period 1984-1989. Radon measurements (based on CR-39 alpha-track detectors) and air change rate measurements (based on the perfluorocarbon tracer technique; PFT) were in the ranges 12-620 Bq m-3 and 0.16--0.96 h-1, respectively. Estimates of radon entry rates on the basis of such time-averaged results are presented and the associated uncertainty is discussed.
