Detailed measurements of indoor radon levels in five residential premises and the effect of ventilation.

Detailed radon measurements and ventilation testing were carried out in five residential premises in Hong Kong. Continuous radon detectors were located in the bedrooms of each site and corresponding C02 decay tests were conducted to estimate the ventilation rate. Four air-conditioning operation modes were used in the measurements. Data obtained from the measurements were used to verify the validity of a simple mass balance model.

Residential sources of lead.

Five hundred homes had been selected in Saint John, New Brunswick to evaluate the relationship between lead in blood and lead in drinking water. From this sample one hundred were selected to examine the additional contribution of lead from food, soil, dust, and paint to the blood lead levels of residents. Fifty homes were selected where residents were known to have raised blood lead levels, and 50 further homes were selected where residents were known to have low blood lead levels.

How tight are America's houses?


Taking the lead.

