Numerical analysis of ventilation system performance by COMIS model.

This research evaluated the performance of four kinds of ventilation systems for dwellings under various conditions by means of numerical simulation. The total number of combinations of various parameters for the calculation was 174. Calculations were performed hourly for indoor air pollutant concentration, humidity and condensation, indoor outdoor pressure difference, airflow rate, and heat energy by ventilation, etc., through the heating season. A multizone infiltration and pollutant transport model (COMIS) was used to perform the simulation.

Ventilation reliability - an evaluation tool for domestic ventilation.

Pre-assessing the reliability of ventilation systems is a dificult task and no simple methodshave existed. This paper presents a tool for estimating the reliability of domestic ventilationsystems. In general, ventilation reliability means the probability that the chosen ventilationsystem performs in an acceptable way for a certain building, in a certain climate, betweenscheduled maintenance measures.

Airtightness of U S dwellings.

Blower doors are used to measure the airtightness and air leakage of building envelopes. As existing dwellings in the United States are ventilated primarily through leaks in the building shell (i.e., infiltration) rather than by whole-house mechanical ventilation systems, quantification of airtightness data is critical in order to answer the following kinds of questions: What is the construction quality of the building envelope? Where are the air leakage pathways? How tight is the building? Tens of thousands of unique fan pressurization measurements have been made of U.S.

Bioclimatic design strategies in temperate climate. Consistency of passive cooling and heating.

In the temperate climate, the consistency of bioclimatic designs for heating and cooling is essential. However, the traditional Japanese houses which have excellent cooling techniques often disclose their poor thermal performance in the winter time. Since Jong it has been said that they sacrificed the heating performance in return for the cooling performance, as a result of their choice in the time when the consistency was technically impossible.

Radon sump systems.


Keeping cool naturally - inexpensively.


Energy audits.


An ideal mechanical ventilation system for houses.

