An energy and carbon dioxide emission scenario for the UK housing stock: some preliminary results.

This paper describes the development of a model which can be used to explore the technical feasibility and policy implications of attempting to achieve 60 - 90% reductions in the C02 emissions from the UK housing stock by the middle of the next century. Reductions of this order are likely to be required across the industrialised countries in order to stabilise the atmospheric C02 concentration and global climate. In order to be able to investigate this problem, a highly disaggregated physically based energy and carbon dioxide model of the UK housing stock has been developed.

A case study for the domestic application of natural ventilation in Sydney - a view from the ground up.

The on-the-ground experience of a domestic design and construct company (Ecobuild Pty Ltd, for which the author is the designer and director), is illustrated as a case study for the application of domestic natural ventilation in the temperate climate of Sydney. Factors limiting the general domestic application of natural ventilation are discussed. Requirements of a domestic ventilation system in Sydney are listed. Examples of domestic natural ventilation designed the company are illustrated. Preliminary results are discussed. The need for domestic IAQ research and standards is stressed.

Virginia builder reaps success with healthy houses.

