Investigation of a combined ventilation and heating system for residential buildings.

Combined ventilation and heating systems in floors demand extensive investigations about the heat transfer before they could be installed in residential buildings. For basic investigation about the heat transfer two experimental plants with different duct geometries are build in a laboratory of the University of Essen. Especially the measurements of temperature on different places of the plants are taken to determine the heat transfer at the two floors.

The potential for residential demand controlled ventilation.

A literature search was performed to gain as much knowledge as was available on ventilation, indoor air quality sensors and demand controlled ventilation (DCV) strategies. Field data was gathered on the time and spatial variation of indoor air quality in houses. Appropriate designs were then developed. Design strategies are discussed elsewhere (1). Hour by hour simulations of the performance of several ventilation systems in various Canadian climates were done. Energy savings were then estimated for DCV and heat recovery ventilation with air to air heatexchange.

Interzonal airflow measurement - a tool to solve pollution problems.

Knowledge of air movement within a building is often a condition for solving problems with the spread of pollution. The internal airflow paterns are mostly very complex and a survey of the airflow normally demands that measurements are carried out. Measuring equipment for defining air movement within buildings almost always uses the tracer gas technique. We have used two tracer gases and have kept a constant concentration of these in the polluted and the clean zones respectively. Thus enabling us to get a time history of the airflow between the two zanes.

A demonstration of low cost DCV technology on five Canadian houses.

Field investigations were undertaken on five houses to determine the potential for improved performance and lower costs through the use of a demand controlled ventilation (DCV) systems. All 5 houses were energy efficient, low toxicity construction, and were chosen to reflect a range of mechanical systems consistent with Canada's new ventilation standard (CSA F326). Three of the test houses were extensively monitored and, after 90 days of conventional operation, were converted to DCV using a wide variety of sensors and controls.

Domestic low energy: new housing.


Natural ventilation in Norwegian buildings. Freie Luftung in Norwegischen Gebauden.

Air Infiltration in Norwegian buildings has been an unknown parameter. This paper is based on results from measurements in nine different buildings in Norway. The measured parameters have been: infiltration envelope air humidity and temperatures on theinside and outside of the building. The infiltration has been measured continuously with tracer gas using the constant concentration method. In addition air tightness measurements and thermography have been carried out to establish the dimensions and the locations of the major leaks.
