Brunsell J
Bibliographic info:
Air Infiltration Review, Vol 12, No 1, December 1990, German Translation. #DATE 00:12:1990 in German

Air Infiltration in Norwegian buildings has been an unknown parameter. This paper is based on results from measurements in nine different buildings in Norway. The measured parameters have been: infiltration envelope air humidity and temperatures on theinside and outside of the building. The infiltration has been measured continuously with tracer gas using the constant concentration method. In addition air tightness measurements and thermography have been carried out to establish the dimensions and the locations of the major leaks. In buildings with mechanical ventilation systems, the flow rate through the inlets and outlets have been measured. The results from the measurements show a higher infiltration rate than expected. Thetwo houses described in this paper show, without occupancy, an infiltration rate of 0,7 ach.