The use of Gas Sampling Bags for Measuring the Indoor Air Quality

The perceived intensity is investigated by a trained group of 10 to 15 persons. Until now fieldstudies have to be made at the location of interest. All members of a trained group have to visit e.g. a building in order to estimate the perceived intensity of the indoor air. The trained group is influenced by the local environment. This paper presents a new method to sample and to store air probes at arbitrary locations. The air probes can then be transported to the laboratory where a standard group test can be made in the neutral and clean environment of an air quality lab.

Comparison of two dust collection methods for reservoir indoor allergens and endotoxin on carpets and mattresses

The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of two different dust collection devices, widely used in epidemiological studies. The device used for dust sampling has a significant influence on the amount of dust collected and may lead to uncertainty in the measurement of biomarkers.

Effective sampling protocol for managing indoor air quality in air-conditioned buildings

The Environmental Protection Department conducted a territory-wide indoor air qualitysurvey in Hong Kong. The report released in 1997 confirmed that one-third of the sampledbuildings were classified as sick buildings. Many of the causes could be attributed tounacceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). In response to this, the Indoor Air Quality ManagementGroup distributed a Guidance Notes for the Management of Indoor Air Quality in Offices andPublic Places for public consultation. It includes an annual IAQ certification scheme.

The medical relevance of methods to sample indoor air microbial pollution

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate different methods to sample microbial cell wallagents (MCWA) indoors and to relate the results to clinical markers of inflammation amongpersons (n = 27), living in houses with suspected mould problems. Airborne particles weresampled for 8 h or by agitating floor dust. Sedimented particles were collected from floor dust.Analysis was done for endotoxin and (1?3)--D-glucan. Endotoxin was found only in a few ofthe agitated floor dust samples.

A comparative study of qualitative sampling methods for the analysis of the indoor air moulds

Accurate and informative sampling methods are very important in the evaluation of fungalexposure in indoor air quality (IAQ) investigations. We have investigated the relationshipbetween indoor culturable airborne and dust-borne fungi and compared the performance ofculturable and non-culturable air samplersReuter Centrifugal Air Sampler (RCS) and ZefonAi-O-CellTM (AOC).

Isolation and identification of filamentous fungi from HVAC system

During the research, air samples were taken by exposure of agar plates and taking smearsamples from the AC equipment. Sampling took place during the autumn because theconcentration of spores at that time reaches its peak.

Materials' microbiology in different elements of building

The aim of the study was to find out if the location of material has effect onmicrobiological findings. Material samples (n = 735) were taken from the buildingswith susceptible moisture damages. Viable fungal spores and bacteria were analysedfrom paperboard, insulation material and wood samples from inner and outer parts ofconstruction. Microbial biodiversity was largest in inner parts of construction. In wallcavity, insulation material had largest microbial diversity.

VOC exposures in a mixed-use university art building

This article studied the exposure to 45 defined volatil organic compounds in an university art school, ventilated with a 100% exhaust mechanical ventilation system. Several students wore passive dosimeters.Floors where no emission of VOCs occurred had no detectable exposures : the conclusions show that a non-recirculating ventilation system can eliminate indoor air quality issues between floors.

Increased levels of bacterial markers and CO2 in occupied schools

The aim of this study was to test the following hypthesis : in schools, bacterial markers may be increased in indoor air because of the presence of children.Dust samples were collected from the school rooms when occupied but also when unoccupied during the week-end. Results have been analysed and the conclusion is that in unoccupied rooms the airborne dust is of environmental origin, whereas the increase level of dust in occupied rooms is due to the children presence.

Field evaluation and comparison of five methods of sampling lead dust on carpets

Five methods of sampling lead dust where tested for that study in 33 New Jersey homes of children with blood problems.Samples were collected on the carpets of the different homes. Among the five sampling methods used then compared (wipe, adhesive label, C18 sheet, vacuum, hand rinse) the first one appeared the most appropriate for measuring lead from carpets for exposure assessment, and vacuum the most recommended for collecting information on total lead accumulation.
