During the research, air samples were taken by exposure of agar plates and taking smearsamples from the AC equipment. Sampling took place during the autumn because theconcentration of spores at that time reaches its peak. Different enumeration media forfilamentous fungi were used to assure the germination of reproductive structures andinhibition of growth of fast growing saprophytes: dichloran rose-bengal chloramphenicolmedium (DRBC), dichloran glycerol medium (DG18) and malt extract medium (MEA).Additional culture media were used for the identification of the fungi-colonizing environmentmentioned above. In particular, the species of Cladosporium and Alternaria, which arecommonly found in our everyday environment, proved that they have the ability toaccumulate and grow in almost every compartment of air-handling equipment. Inconsideration of the results, we arrived at conclusions on how the air-quality in the workingenvironment is affected by HVAC filtering systems. Research confirmed that the presence offungi in the HVAC systems influences the quality of indoor air by disseminating the sporesinto the working environment.
Isolation and identification of filamentous fungi from HVAC system

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 595-599, 1 Fig., 10 Ref.