Comparison of Windows and DOS versions of the DOE2 in simulating a passive building.

Visual DOE is a Windows interface version of the DOE2 simulation program. Its purpose is to help save time in writing BDL input for the simulation. As its calculation engine is the same as DOE2 in the DOS version, DOE should result in the same output as the DOS version. However, difficulties arise in identifying the building's configurations, materials and construction and systems in the two input versions. While modeling a simple one-story Hpassive H building, it was difficult to get a good match in the simulation results in the two versions.

Numerical study on air-conditioned indoor airflow by dynamic large eddy simulation.

The aim of this research is to apply dynamic Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to predicting the complex turbulent flow field in an air-conditioned room. LES is a method to calculate turbulent flows where only the small-scale (subgrid-scale) motions are modelled and the large-scale (grid-scale) motions are computed directly. Recently, a dynamic subgrid-scale model has been developed that can evaluate a model coefficient dynamically. This paper presents a numerical simulation of LES with a dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model of a flow field in an air-conditioned room model.

Integrated Smart control of heating, cooling, ventilation, daylighting and electrical lighting in buildings.

The present energy consumption of European Buildings is higher than necessary, given the developments in control engineering. Optimization and integration of smart control into building systems can save substantial quantities of energy on a European scale while improving the standards for indoor comfort.

Measurement and CFD modelling of airflow through stairwells.

The present paper deals with one of the most important mechanisms of inter-zone mass and energy transfer, namely the buoyancy-driven flows through stairwells that connect the floors of buildings. To further investigate these phenomena, experimental as well as theoretical studies have been carried out. A series of experiments have been performed in order to study the airflow through a typical stairwell that connects the two individual zones of a two-storey house. Airflow rates between the two zones were measured using a single tracer gas decay technique.

Night ventilation effectiveness in various types of office buildings.

The present paper investigates the potential of night ventilation techniques when applied to full scale office buildings, under different structure, design, ventilation, and climatic characteristics. The approach of this study includes the use of both experimental data and theoretical tools in order to determine the impact and the limitations of night ventilation regarding the thermal behavior of various types of office buildings.

Measures to reduce energy consumption: a simulation study for mushroom houses.

The purpose of this study is to provide a model to facilitate the simulated evaluation of theenergy consumption for different mushroom house and climate set point configurations.Climate management in this application is complex, including control of: oxygen, carbondioxide, and water vapour, temperature, evaporation rate, air cleanliness, and indoor-outdoorpressure differential. Climate set points vary according to the stage of crop growth and need tobe maintained regardless of weather conditions.

Construction of an automatic simulation tool based on the zonal model approach.

In this paper, we are particularly interested in the automatic generation of zonal model. We show how a. program can deduce with expert rules a partitioning suitable for the main driving flows encountered in the room under study and how appropriated local model are chosen and connected each other. To illustrate our purpose, we solve the case of a ventilated bi dimensional cavity.
