Sauna is the Finnish word for a wood-lined and insulated room, heated by a special stove containing stones, and erected specifically to create the right environment for a certain kind of dry bath. lts fundamental purpose is to induce perspiration and thus to cleanse the skin and. body. The authors have now applied scientific data to the mystique and culture of the often misunderstood Sauna which has been used by the Finns for some two thousand years.
In recent years plants have increasingly become an integral part of building interior design. Greened office space and large enclosures can provide a better human environment not only because of psychological reasons. Due to photosynthesis, plants interact with the "aerial" environment. Water evaporation aflects room air humidity and temperature. Water uptake rates offive common plants in typical indoor climate conditions have been studied. Water evaporation of these plants can now be predicted in architectural design studies.