In recent years plants have increasingly become an integral part of building interior design. Greened office space and large enclosures can provide a better human environment not only because of psychological reasons. Due to photosynthesis, plants interact with the "aerial" environment. Water evaporation aflects room air humidity and temperature. Water uptake rates offive common plants in typical indoor climate conditions have been studied. Water evaporation of these plants can now be predicted in architectural design studies. Simulation of a typical ofice room in summer and winter show that intensive planting can significantly increase air humidity. As a conclusion, this extra humidity should be removed by natural ventilation in summer while in winter it helps to provide comfortable air conditions. The study shows that the effect of indoor plants' water evaporation on air temperature is little.
Water evaporation of five common indoor plants under various climate conditions.
Bibliographic info:
15th AIVC Conference "The Role of Ventilation", Buxton, UK, 27-30 September 1994