Test facility for building envelope leakage type analysis and improvement of acoustic and thermographic airtightness measurement methods

Ensuring the airtightness of building envelopes is crucial for enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings. The prompt detection of leaks is essential, particularly when undertaking building renovations. Consequently, efforts have been made in recent years to implement new measurement techniques that facilitate the rapid, straightforward, and wide-scale identification of leaks in building envelopes. Two notable methods are the use of acoustic and thermographic technologies.

Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Zero Energy Building

With increasing building airtightness, the design of an adequate ventilation system gains importance. The first generation of ventilation systems, based on continuous supply of the nominal airflow rate, are now being replaced by Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV). These systems, often H2O and/or CO2 controlled, do not take into account the emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to the indoor environment.