An automated air infiltration measurement system for large buildings isdescribed. The system consists of a micro-computer, electron capture gaschromatograph, a ten port sampling manifold, and five tracer gas injectionunits. The system controls the injection and sampling of tracer gas in amulti-zone building, calculates the air infiltration rates of each zone, andmeasures the on-time of events such as HVAC fan operation, exhaust fan operation,and door/window openings.
Proposes a method of linking pressurization measurements in buildings with infiltration rates. The method is based on a simple theoretical model. Gives details of whole house pressurization tests and tracer gas measurements of ventilation rate (using N2O) in fifteen houses. Gives details of the theoretical model and compares field measurements with model predictions. Finds good agreement and concludes model may be used to estimate air change rates using leakage data. Finds surface pressure coefficients for typical house shapes and notes a dearth of data of this type.
Reports methods used to measure the concentrations of Rn, Tn, and their decay products indoors and outdoors. Radon and Thoron concentrations are detected continuously by collecting the positively charged RaA and ThA atoms on a surface-barrier detector using electric field precipitation.< The concentrations of Radon and Thoron decay products were determined by collecting them on a membrane filter and simultaneously counting the activities by means of a collimated surface-barrier detector.Indoor and outdoor concentrations are measured simultaneously under different ventilation rates.
Presents the results of an energy-efficiency survey of 25 homes located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Insulation levels in the walls, ceilings and basements were measured and the economics of adding insulation to these areas were investigated. Air leakage of the houses was measured using a pressure test and compared with infiltration rates measured using tracer gas in fourhouses.< Concludes that a major portion of the heat loss (30-40%) in the average home was due to excessive infiltration.
Reports measurements of air infiltration and leakage using tracer gas and the pressurization technique in a three bedroom townhouse having a gas-fired forced-air furnace system. The measurements were made in order to quantify the amount of infiltration due to various mechanisms.
The ventilation rate and energy consumption of one of the ECRC test houses was monitored continuously during one heating season, with one bedroom window open by various amounts. Results show that a very small window opening is sufficient to satisfy ventilation requirements most of the time.
Describes an instrument for the measurement of air infiltration into buildings. The instrument indicates the concentration of a tracer gas in the building, by sensing the thermal conductivity of the air-tracer gas mixture.< The instrument, a Katharometer, has not been extensively used because of inherent difficulties. This thesis examines the dificulties. An analysis of the theoretical basis of the instrument is made and the problems created by changes of relative humidity, pressure and temperature are discussed and solutions are suggested.
Reviews experimental techniques for determining the infiltration characteristics of buildings. Discusses the use of wind tunnel models to determine surface pressure distributions and ventilation rates. Reviews the measurement of open areas and leakages. Discusses correlation of measured leakage and ventilation. Describes the British Gas method of measuring ventilation rates using tracer gas. The system, known as "Autovent" provides a constant concentration of tracer gas and can be used for the continuous monitoring of ventilation rates.
Describes an automatic measurement system for air infiltration and discusses factors influencing the measurements in single rooms or in a group of connected rooms. The system works on the decay rate method and is controlled by a purpose-designed controller. The test data are evaluated off-line by computer. Discusses in detail the instrumentation and test procedure Gives results of measurements made in a detached house and correlations of the test data with wind and temperature difference data. Gives a comparison with pressurization data.
Presents a survey of tracer gas techniques for measuring air infiltration and includes a theoretical derivation of the equations, a description of each method, and a short description of the experimental procedure. Derives a qualitative error analysis which concentrates on mixing problems and uses it to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each method.< Derives the theory of multi-chamber infiltration measurements in situations involving many interconnected spaces (network type models).