Continuous measurements of air infiltration in occupied dwellings.

Reports on a measurement system developed by the Institute of Technology at Tastrup Denmark, involving a microcomputer- controlled system for registering air change rates using tracer gas (nitrous oxide) according to the constant concentration method. The system is designed for measuring and metering tracer gas in up to 10 separate rooms (using an infrared gas absorption detector). It operates through automatic data logging on a floppy disc and can run without supervision for extended periods (up to six days).

Air infiltration site measurement techniques

Gives a summary of the existing types of air infiltration measurement techniques and instrumentation using tracer gases. Describes automated air infiltration instrumentation used by researchers in the US, Canada, the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland. The equipment can operate in the decay mode, constant flow mode and the constant concentration mode.

Ventilation efficiency.

Reviews a research project which has the objective of establishing:< 1. Expressions for ventilation efficiency< 2. Methods for measuring ventilation efficiency< 3. Rules for acheiving efficient ventilation.< Derives expressions for ventilati

Air tightness v. air infiltration for Swedish Homes - measurements and modelling.

Measures air infiltration and tightness of Swedish houses using the tracer gas technique and the fan pressurisation technique. Uses a previously developed model correlating air tightness and infiltration to evaluate the performance of Swedish homes. Shows that it is difficult to achieve the recommended minimum ventilation rate according to the Swedish Building Code by relying on natural air infiltration. Most new homes do, however meet the Code's stringent air tightness requirements. A comparison with American houses show that Swedish homes are very tight.

A multiple tracer gas technique for measuring air-flow in houses.

Describes a technique developed for measuring air flows between internal spaces of houses. Involves using a portable gas chromatograph to monitor the concentrations of three tracer gases released in three distinct zones within the building envelope. Using the results of each measurement, which takes approximately two hours, the ventilation rate of each zone can be calculated along with the interconnecting air flow. Presents the tracer gas equations involved, and includes an account of the experimental method and the practical difficulties encountered.

Ventilation and temperature efficiencies of mechanical ventilation systems.

Gives measurements of the ventilation as well as the temperature efficiency of mechanical supply and exhaust systems (balanced systems). The ventilation efficiency is a measure of the performance of providing air in the occupied zone and is also an indicator of the air quality. The temperature efficiency is a measure of the system's capability of supplying heat in the occupied zone. Monitors ventilation efficiencies by adopting tracer decay techniques and the temperature efficiencies by measuring the stationary temperatures.

Heat losses due to ventilation - how can they be measured? Luftungswarmeverluste - wie sind die messtechnisch erfassbar.

Discusses and analyses the characteristics of methods of determining local air flows through the building envelope, methods of determining the air leakage and ways of determining air changes in rooms. Summarises in a table methods of determining local air flows. Of the air leakage methods, treats static and non-static methods. Considers three commonly used tracer gas methods for air change measuring methods.

Insulation and air tightness of six low-energy houses at Hjortekaer, Denmark.

Reports on continuous energy measurements carried out in 6 detached single-family, low-energy houses in Copenhagen. Describes a few typical construction details to illustrate solutions to the problem of cold bridges, and to demonstrate ways of obtaining airtight constructions. Measures air change rate using tracer gas decay method and pressurisation and suction tests. Works out total heat loss for a period when ventilation systems are sealed and the houses heated by electric resistance heaters.

Pilot research on hygrothermal comfort and air quality in a low energy house.

Describes detailed experimental analysis of the low energy Plainevaux House with regard to:< 1. Air infiltration, measured by the decay rate of CO2 tracer gas< 2. Air tightness, measured by the fan pressurization technique< 3. The evolution of inside temperature in a period of no-heating< 4. The corresponding air contamination.

Tracer gas measurements in low leakage houses.

Measures the air infiltration in individual rooms of a one-storey airtight house, using a special tracer gas measurement technique. Concludes that the overall ventilation rate was very low for the test house, although it had mechanical ventilation (exhaust fan). States that the best way of getting adequate ventilation is to install a ventilation system with built-in routes where fresh air can enter the building. This should either be balanced ventilation system or an exhaust fan system with special vents to the outside for supplying fresh air.
