Describes a technique developed for measuring air flows between internal spaces of houses. Involves using a portable gas chromatograph to monitor the concentrations of three tracer gases released in three distinct zones within the building envelope. Using the results of each measurement, which takes approximately two hours, the ventilation rate of each zone can be calculated along with the interconnecting air flow. Presents the tracer gas equations involved, and includes an account of the experimental method and the practical difficulties encountered. Describes a programme of field work just startedwith the objective of investigating the magnitudes of air movement in a widerange of houses and conditions. Shows two of the early results which have been obtained by use of the multiple tracer gas technique.
A multiple tracer gas technique for measuring air-flow in houses.

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of CIB W67 3rd International Symposium `Energy Conservation in the Built Environment' March 30-April 1 1982 vol.VI p.A21-A30