Ventilation: the situation in Switzerland.

Swiss topography is dominated by the Alps and the Jura in the north-west part and the most densely populated "Midlands" between the two. The climatic conditions vary in a very wide range both in temperature and solar radiation due to the different altitudes and the different climatic conditions north and sourth of the Alps.Accordingly there are roughly three climatic regions. Meteo data are available as hourly values from over 70 automatic meteo stations. Derived values for hand calcualtion methods are regularly published in Swiss technical journals.

Checking the performance of ventilation systems: the Swedish approach.

In recent years, poor indoor climate has increasingly been seen as the cause of health problems for building occupants. Today, there is good evidence in some areas why such problems arise. Unhealthy substances given off by various building materials, the existence of mould and general air pollution are the main causes. In general, the most important way to remedy the problem is improved ventilation. Poor upkeep and maintenance have led to a decline in the performance of existing ventilation systems.

Heat recovery in ventilation systems.

The general purpose of heat recovery can be said to be threefold: to reduce energy use; to reduce peak power need; to increase the time constant of the building for heating and ventilation as well as domestic hot water production. In this documant the interest is concentrated on heat recovery in ventilation systems and theirinfluence on power and energy balance for buildings.

Residential ventilation

French ventilation in dwellings.

Describes how basic studies (detailed simulations) have been used to define the calculation of energy losses due to ventilation in French regulations, and the "ongoing" research aiming towards a better assessment of air quality.

Improved fresh air control

Wind Tunnel and CFD Investigation of the Performance of a Wind Driven Ventilation System

Experimental investigations and CFD simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of square and circular section wind - driven systems for natural ventilation application in buildings. Wind tunnel and smoke visualisation tests were conducted on a full-scale model based on a commercial wind catcher design. The experimental set-up consisted of each system being connected to a model test room. The devices were divided internally into four quadrants/segments for the purpose of air supply and extract.

Ventilation using earth tubes

A new theatre at Bedales school, designed by Hampshire County Architects, includes on Its green agenda a cooling system made from underground concrete pipes, through which cold air is driven.
