Modeling chemical reactions in the indoor environment by CFD

The study used CFD to examine reactions between ozone and terpenes in a room under 4 conditions. The study indicates that chemical reactions can significantly alter the concentration of air pollutants, an imperfect mixing may result in reactant and product concentrations significantly different from those predicted by the model that assumes fully mixed conditions.

Lärmbekampfung in RLT-Anlagen, Teil 2 Noise reduction in ventilation systems, part 2

The methods for estimating or calculating the noise reduction in ductwork are described. Information is given about noise propagation in straight circular or rectangular ducts and in ducts with diameters changes, bends, elbows or junctions. Noise reduction by air diffusers, filters, coils, is also presented, as well as noise emission by ducts walls.

Ventilating multiunit residential buildings

Ventilation strategies for multiunit residential buildings are described according to the results of a survey in 260 randomly selected buildings in Canada. Most buildings use corridor pressurization systems with an either central or apartment-based air exhaust. Some outdoor air is delivered to individual apartments, but in some cases, corridor air systems act as a ventilation system for individual apartments. Occupants complaints have been recorded, the main one being odor transfer between apartments.

A comparison between four different ventilation systems

Measurements and CFD simulations are compared for 4 different ventilation systems using the air change index and a new ventilation parameter. It is shown the advantage of impinging jets

Use of predictive ventilation to evaluate the emission rates of pollutant sources in an enclosure and to reconstruct the associated concentration field

This paper presents a numerical method aiming at recreating the concentration field of a pollutant at each point of a ventilated enclosure that contains one or several pollutant sources of unknown emission rate.

Numerical analysis of normalized concentrations in the occupied zone for various office ventilation systems.

Flow, temperature field and contaminant concentration distributions are analyzed using CFD for 5 different ventilation systems.

Numerical modelling of particle dispersion within a displacement ventilation system

This paper deals with a 3D numerical study to assess the effectiveness of a displacement ventilation system to remove particulate pollutants, generated in the occupied zone of a room.

Influence of cooling strategies on the air flow pattern in an office with mixing ventilation

In this study, an office with mixing ventilation is considered. The CFD analyses show that for high cooling loads it is useful to couple a cold ceiling to primary air system

Integration of CFD and genetic algorithms

This paper deals with the integration of CFD analysis tool with genetic algorithms. This integrated process presents advantages in generating design alternatives that tally with multiple design, thermal and ventilation criteria.

Improving CFD Simulation of chilled ceilings

This paper deals with a CFD simulation of a chilled ceiling in a test chamber. The results demonstrate that a slight non-uniformity in cooling power of the ceiling panels produces a great asymmetry in predicted room airflows.
