Gives detailed results of an extensive programme of wind tunnel testing of a standard scale model of a one-room, flat-roofed building. A major requirement was coverage of those characteristics of window openings or window accessories which were known (or which appeared) to have a significant effect on indoor air flow.
The mean and dynamic internal and external pressures of an existing building (tennis hall) and a model of the building were measured and compared. Asystematic examination was made of the effects on wind-induced internal pressure in simple geometric models of flow profile, wind direction, building dimensions, openings and leakiness. Suggestions are proposed for changes to DIN 1055 Part 4. The Canadian, American, British and Swiss Standards on wind loads are compared.
Wind pressures on three Navy buildings at the Kanehoe Marine Corp Air Station, Hawaii were measured. Indoor and outdoor variables were also measured including temperature, dry bulb, wet bulb, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. Pressure measurements were carried out using Validyne DP103 pressure transducers, and a static pressure probe. Natural ventilation is estimated 1. by combining window areas and pressure coefficients with wind speed and 2. using the LBL infiltration model.
Reviews nature of air flow conditions, meteorology affecting building air flow, wind effects on systems operation, and physical modelling and full- scale measurements.
Presents and discusses mean pressure coefficients averaged over the entire side of a building, obtained from measurements made on models of rectangular flat-roofed buildings made in a boundary layer wind tunnel. Describes measurement technique and data collection. Pressure coefficients based on either a local reference wind speed or a reference wind speed measured at the level of the building have been computed. Gives example and a comparison with existing building codes and standards.
Presents an evaluation of three proposals for the town plan for the Bulltofta district in Malmo in relation to the wind-induced energy losses. Analyses the wind statistics for the particular region and assesses the effects on energy consumption of winds from different directions. Evaluates the suitability of the various town plan proposals in relation to particular high energy loss inducing winds, making allowance for the overall exposure to sun and wind, the surface/volume ratio, building density and building heights.
Presents a simple model for the calculation of wind induced ventilation. The model requires as input, pressure coefficient data, wind direction, and the open areas for each element of the building. Gives an example of the model applied to a model livestock building. Gives flow chart and listing of computer program. Note model does not include temperature effects.
Reports the results of three programmes of measurements of ventilation carried out in one-family houses, which in most cases were of the 'council house' type. The first programme measured ventilation rates using tracer gasin two houses room by room. Wind speed and direction were recorded but no general relation between ventilation and wind was found. The second measured ventilation rate in individual rooms in a house under six different wind conditions. The third measured ventilation rates in three identical homes.
Describes computer program developed by BSRIA to predict ventilation rates and directions of air flow in buildings for given sets of conditions. These conditions are wind speed and direction, temperature differences between inside and outside the building, air leakage characteristics of the components and the mechanically induced air flow rates. The report is in the form of anoperating manual for the program.
Describes computer program for the prediction of the air infiltration load in small residential buildings. The model represents an oil-fired furnace, a smoke pipe with barometric damper, a chimney and a non-partitioned building, with leakage openings in the building envelope. The model can be used to predict the air change rate of a small house under various combinations of indoor/outdoor temperature, wind-speed, wind direction and operation of an oil fired furnace.