Numerical and experimental investigation of the conditions in the double solar energy façade

Numerical modeling and on site measurements were applied to the ventilated double-skin glazed façade of the Moravian Library building in Brno (Czech Republic) to determine the air temperatures and velocities into the façade. Calculations show that supply

Isothermal airflow in a gymnasium studied by numerical and full-scale experimental methods

CFD simulations and measurements were used in isothermal air-conditioned space of a gymnasium. Different airflow patterns due to different supply air were simulated. Results obtained are correct considering the complexity of boundary conditions.

The simulation of ventilation of entrance atrium in the Moravian library

The Moravian library's atrium in Brno (Czech Republic) is eight stories high. Ventilation is a combination of mechanical supply by nozzles in each gallery and a natural stack effect in the atrium from bottom to top. CFD has been used for design.

Double skin façade and hybrid ventilation of the ING house Amsterdam (ING Bank HQ)

CFD calculations and laboratory measurements in a full-scale model were carried out to assess the performance of a full transparent second skin façade intended to equip an office building, composed of very low solar energy transmittance glass, and being v

A visual inspection method to evaluate cleanliness of newly installed air ducts

Visual inspection is a subjective method but yet necessary to control duct cleanliness. In order to improve its reliability, a visual scale has been realised and results from a panel of 10 inspectors have been compared to measurements.

Cleanliness criteria and test procedures for cleanliness labeling of HVAC components

A new version of 'classification for indoor climate, construction and building material' has been published in 2001 in Finland, giving recommendation on ventilation systems and their cleanliness. Procedures to test values and check criteria are given.

The impact of tracer gas mixing on airflow rate measurements in large commercial fan systems

The study characterised the mixing of tracer gas in three ventilation systems with two different airflow rates (totally outdoor air).The test procedure is presented and errors are calculated and compared.

Thermal comfort - thermal mass : housing in hot dry climates

Results are shown on how to use the thermal mass of buildings envelope to ameliorate diurnal temperature swings in hot dry regions.

Carbon Dioxide Levels and Summertime Ventilation Rates in UK Schools

Measurements of metabolic carbon dioxide concentration made in four classrooms in two schools are reported for both occupied and unoccupied periods. Measurements were taken for approximately one week in each classroom during the unheated season and the time-varying ventilation rates estimated. The results of the experiments show CO2 concentrations that are far beyond the guideline value of 1000 ppm (the maximum concentration during the occupied period was 3756 ppm). Calculated air supply rates vary from unacceptably low levels, to rates that are in line with guidance.

Carbon Dioxide Levels and Ventilation Rates in Schools

In the following, measurements of CO2 levels in seven classrooms in four schools are reported. Measurements were taken for approximately one week in each classroom during the heating season and the time-varying ventilation rates estimated. The results of the experiments show CO2 concentrations which are far beyond the guideline value of 1000 ppm (the average concentration during the occupied period was 1957 ppm). In some classrooms the level exceeded the range of the detector (4000ppm).
