The impact of air pollution from used ventilation filters on human comfort and health

In an environmental lab with a panel of 30 women exposed 4 hours, comfort and health have been detremined both with a used or a new filter present in the ventilation system. All other environmental parameters were kept constant. A used filter in a HVAC system can have a negative effect on both the immediate perception of the indoor air quality and on perceptions and health-related symptoms. However, the annoyance experienced through the sensory system may have amplified the intensity of symptoms.

Development of a measurement method for air current by the use of balloons for gravity free

Design of thermal and air environment for large spaces is often realised with CFD simulations but due to measurement difficulty there are few cases in which results are compared after construction. This study uses a simple method for visualizing air currents and for estimating distribution of air movements with balloons.

Characterization of particle types in modern offices

Particles distribution in type and size were determined in six office buildings in Oslo (Norway).

Particle penetration through windows

Two aluminium windows were tested to determine the fractional penetration of airborne particles. Results show that mainly particles of 0.2 to 3 microns enter through both windows.

The influence of building features on air exchange rate and particle penetration

Particle penetration into an unoccupied research house was investigated through measurements under different conditions. Onmy particles with aerodynamic diameter of 20 to 3000 nm enter the house in significant quantity.

Modeling particle deposition in ventilation ducts

Two models were applied to predict particle deposition in ducts, one theoretical, the other based on experiments. These models are described and a comparison of their predictions is compared to experimental results.

The exploitation of solar energy for energy-saving ventilation

Performance of solar systems used to preheat ventilation air was investigated through long-term (several years) measurements on three buildings in Czech Republic. Buildings and results are described.

Optimization of energy performance of solar system using hybrid collector

Photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar collectors (producing electricity and warm air) were simulated with TRNSYS software when used together with a heat pump and an auxiliary gas boiler in a complete system to produce space heating and domestic hot water.

Dynamic building energy modeling: the significance of tuning based on measurements

This paper presents 3 full-scale test rooms in a series of 14 built in Italy, with different types of façades. The measurements of energy consumption and indoor environment allow a direct comparison between different solutions exposed to identiacal climat

An intervention study of outdoor air supply rates and sick leave among office workers

The study has monitored two office buildings during 3 years changing position of dampers in order to control the air change in the buildings on periods of 3 months. CO2 levels, absenteism rate and rhinovirus in air samples are commented.
