Personal computers pollute indoor air: effects on perceived air quality, SBS symptoms and productivity in offices

30 human subjects were exposed to simulated office conditions to study perceived air quality and sick building symptoms. The sensory pollution load of personal computers was found to be 3 olf each.

Decentralized building automation and hybrid ventilation at ING HQ's

This paper describes the hybrid ventilation system of a new office building (650 employees) in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) equipped with a decentralized building automation and individual controls.

Two distinct causal paths from indoor air problems to sickness absenteism

In a building with two parts, one with bad indoor air quality, workers have been moved around from one to another and absenteeism rate and causes have been monitored.

Calculation of thermal comfort from CFD-simulation results

Difficulties of CFD calculations to predict comfort especially in case of high level of turbulences are enquired in this study. Statistical corrections when the direction of the velocity vector changes are proposed to improve CFD models.

Prediction of global comfort in air conditioned building with a zonal model

The study presents a zonal model to evaluate the global comfort of air conditioned buildings. The model calculates various criterions such as Ppo and DR. Sound measure level is estimated with Sabine law. Comparisons with tests are presented.

Reducing the ingress of urban noise through ventilation openings

Techniques to reduce noise ingress into naturally ventilated buildings are described.

Effectiveness of portable air cleaners and upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation for infection control

Three portable air cleaners alone or combined with ultra-violet germicidal irradiations were tested to determine their capacity to remove airborne bacteria. Results give values of airborne bacteria removal rates.

An approach to the design of natural and hybrid ventilation systems for cooling buildings

A design procedure of material and hybrid ventilation systems is described. It includes a climate suitability analysis, a loop equation design method and a detailed multizone coupled thermal-airflow analysis using CONTAM97R software.

Perceived air quality and sensory pollution loads in six Danish office buildings

Perceived air quality and sensory pollution loads were measured in 6 office buildings in Denmark with a panel of 43 subjets on a normal weekday and on a weekend. Results are presented and discussed.
