Field measurements were carried out on six office buildings in Taïwan to evaluate ventilation efficiencies on the concentration of formaldehyde and TVOC, as well as the impact of ventilation rates on reducing these concentrations.
This paper gives formulas for optimal design of all-air systems regarding costs, allowing to calculate the optimum outdoor air rates in office buildings.
This study is to validate a CFD model of displacement ventilation combined with chilled ceiling and determine if this combination may create draught risk or influence badly indoor air quality.
A CFD code was used to study an office equipped with a radiant cooled ceiling and a wind-induced cross-ventilation system. Calculations covered several heights of the ceiling.
A procedure to verify, validate and report CFD analyses in indoor environment applications has been developed. The process on how to use this procedure is explained through the example of CFD modeling of an office with mechanical displacement ventilation.
The aim of this study is to evaluate different control strategies on ventilation in a bathroom and their efficiency. Comments are given on running time periods as well as reaction of different controls (occupation, CO2/COV, humidity).
Conditions of human thermal comfort was studied as function of the following parameters : dry bulb temperature (22.8 to 27.8 °C), relative humidity (20 to 65%), air velocity (0.15 and 0.25 m/s) and activity level (1 and 2.3 met) with a panel of 256 person
Airflow patterns, temperature and indoor air quality (ventialtion efficiency) are modelized in a room with floor heating. Results show that ventilation efficiency depends directly of diffusers layout.
Tests have been performed on several ceiling air diffusers supplied with low air temperatures (6 to 16°C - 90% humidity) to study water vapour condensation on diffusers surface. Results show that a supply air temperature of 11°C avoids most of condensatio
Detailed testing of multi-zone airflow and ventilation rates in a dwelling were conducted using two different types of tracer gas method and compared with design.